SITE SEARCH Report Injured or Orphaned Wildlife Hotline Number: 403-214-1312 | Volunteer Login | CONTACT US | SHOP |

...until they are fit for
release back into the wild.
Wildlife Information
Calgary Wildlife treats injured and orphaned wildlife and provides medical treatment and care until they are fit for release back to the wild. We aspire to release all wildlife back into their natural habitats. Calgary Wildlife operates under a wildlife permit (issued by Alberta Environment and Parks), a Migratory Species permit (issued by Environment Canada) and a Scientific Endangered Species permit (issued by Environment Canada). These permits dictate which species we can take.
Want to learn more about Alberta's endangered and threatened wildlife? Learn more here.
Species that are accepted at Calgary Wildlife:
• All songbirds (examples: robins, waxwings, finches, etc.)
• All corvids (examples: crows, ravens, magpies, etc.)
• All raptors (examples: hawks, falcons, owls, eagles)
• All waterfowl (examples: Canada goose, mallard ducks, etc.)
• Small mammals (examples: white-tailed prairie hares, fawns, skunks, porcupines, bear cubs etc.)
• Small carnivores (examples: red fox, bobcat, weasels, etc.)
• Non-native species (examples: eastern grey squirrels, house sparrows, starlings, etc.)