SITE SEARCH Report Injured or Orphaned Wildlife Hotline Number: 403-214-1312 | Volunteer Login | CONTACT US | SHOP |
As urbanization expands into Alberta’s natural spaces, wild animals increasingly encounter human-made hazards. The encroachment of urban areas forces wildlife to navigate an array of dangers, from roads and buildings to pollution and habitat fragmentation. To coexist responsibly with wildlife, it's essential to recognize and manage these threats. By identifying the specific risks posed by urban development, we can implement measures to mitigate their impact, ensuring a safer environment for both humans and animals.
Billions of birds die annually across the globe due to window strikes. Many die instantly, while others are left stunned or with injuries that prevent them from flying again. New data reveals that even birds that initially fly away after a collision often succumb to internal injuries and bleeding. Transparent and reflective glass appears indistinguishable to birds from the reflection of a clear landscape. If birds are frequently hitting your windows, consider applying visual barriers to help them recognize these otherwise invisible obstacles. Feather Friendly window treatments offer a simple and effective solution to prevent window strikes. Purchase yours here.
Animals of all types encounter vehicles on a daily basis. Birds of prey, as well as crows and magpies, will often hunt for prey in ditches on the sides of highways or peck at the remains of roadkill. Gulls and other scavengers will patrol parking lots for scraps of food and sort through discarded trash. Ducks will sometimes lead their hatchlings across busy intersections on the way to a body of water, and deer and hares will often bolt across roadways at dusk. It is important to always remain vigilant on the roads and be wary of animals that may quickly and unexpectedly dart out. Helping injured wildlife on roadways is a challenge. Stopping traffic or otherwise endangering yourself or other drivers is NEVER advisable. Always call for help or advice: 403-214-1312
Garbage and waste is a common wildlife attractant and often a hazard. Be sure to keep any waste properly contained and secured in their proper bins. This will prevent animals from hanging around and taking up residence in inappropriate areas, and will prevent wildlife from ingesting or becoming entangled in pieces of garbage.
Practical Tips:
- Wash out all can and jars to prevent wildlife from getting their heads stuck.
-Cut dome lids to prevent birds getting their beaks stuck.
-Cut anything with loops (six pack rings and masks) to prevent wildlife getting tangle up in the loop.
-Cut fishing line before disposal and never leave hooks/lines at fishing sites.
-Clean barbecue grills after use to prevent wildlife from getting stuck between the rungs.
Dogs and cats are curious and often their interest in wild animals can be dangerous. Cats are responsible for countless small animal deaths each year and should be only let outdoors while on a leash or in a catio to prevent them from injuring or killing birds and vulnerable mammals. Dogs often find themselves encountering skunks and porcupines to the detriment of the dog as well as the wild animal, it is ideal to keep dogs on a leash whenever possible and check your yard for wild animals before letting them out.
If you have found an injured or orphaned wild animal please call our hotline: